Droits Quotidiens is a database of legal information sheets written in plain language. Based on citizens's daily life, it deals with every legal encounters a person can have (family, housing, work, health, money, tax, justice, etc.). We provide a clear legal information. To understand legislation is the right of all ! In that way, we are convinced that plain language is the best way to fight the obscurantism of legal terms. We also provide different services for citizens, social workers, legal workers, jurists and lawyers such as document automation, trainings and so on.
Custom Counsel Serving Overworked Lawyers Everywhere On-Demand Freelance Attorneys, Paralegals, and Legal Assistants
Online dispute resolution
Legal education
It is a web-portal containing legal information about Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia.
Briefed empowers the worldÛªs lawyers to elevate their practice to the next level : Legal Directory , Master Classes , Legal Industry Intelligence & Mission Control