Better File Security
Virtual Viewbox is a medical provider collaboration solution and medicolegal interoperability platform operating within a private cloud network using Software as a Service model to create a private Health Information Exchange and Medical Collaboration Platform.
wireLawyer is the fastest-growing professional network for lawyers. With free legal contract search, attorney-reviewed documents, and curated questions and answers, wireLawyer helps small to mid-sized law firms operate on a level playing field with big law firms."
We have the most up-to-date legal practice geared toward achieving the result, efficiency, and quality, which benefits from the latest technology and leading management principles. We try to give to our client more than just legal advice, doing our best to provide a tailored solution in each case. Therefore, together with standard legal services, our company offers something you will find nowhere else: conflict management, business safety advice, tax and business efficiency advice, as well as that in the field of Technology, Media, and Telecommunications, cryptocurrency, and blockchain. Our lawyers strive to develop related competencies, taking a more comprehensive look at the tasks our clients have. Juscutum makes its own legal products — self-developed technical solutions and ready-made products — which hardly any consulting company does nowadays. Initially legal advisers, we have grown into legal engineers to bring our products and services to a whole new level.
Anaqua is a leading provider of Intellectual Asset Management software and related services.
EBrevia commercializes machine-learning technology developed at Columbia University to analyze and extract information from contracts.