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EasyNDA sends completed NDA PDFs to both parties automatically. Store them wherever you like. Or connect your DropBox, Box, or Evernote account and EasyNDA will automatically store an additional copy to your cloud. Oh, and we'll remember to send one to your attorney.


ClauseMatch is a SaaS platform for negotiating smarter contracts and collaborating on documents, solving long time problems of lengthy and expensive process of management of documentation and inability to unlock the information contained within contracts and documents.


Willow is the next generation of contract management software. Contracts have become an increasingly essential part of any business, and the lawyers, contract managers, or business people tasked with managing them are overwhelmed with data and underwhelmed by existing solutions.

Daniel Stachowiak

Client onboarding technology that includes electronic forms, identity verification, document creation, electronic signature, payment collection, secure document distribution and archiving. MyDocSafe client portals can be used as a communication channel as well as deal data rooms.


Register your trademark in an easy, comprehensible and secure way, at an unbeatable price. We guide you through the process in a friendly and intuitive manner, so you can forget about concerns and uncertainties. We bring you the best monitoring service during the application process.

Digital Rights Solutions GmbH & Co. KG

DiRiSo (Digital Rights Solutions) crafts web-based legal tech applications for law firms to automatize parts of their work process. For this purpose, DiRiSo mainly develops tools to standardize repetitive steps for evaluating cases, shaping legal opinions and producing legal documents.

Medchart Inc

Built specifically to connect law firms directly with hospitals and health providers, medchart provides a simple & fast way to request and access client medical records in as little as two days. Automate the process of requesting medical records, diagnostic imaging, clinical notes, and more.

Contract Live

Contract Live brings contract management out of the Stone Age by helping companies manage all contracts (from HR and procurement to sales) throughout all lifecycle stages (online negotiations, electronic signatures, implementation and execution) on an entirely intuitive, cloud-based platform.


TrademarkNow™ is a product of Onomatics Inc., a legal technology powerhouse specializing in intellectual property law. With decades of experience to draw from, we are seasoned professionals in both the software industry and intellectual property law – and it shows in the quality of our products.


Founded by a law firm partner and a Google search engineer, Lawyaw brings together a brilliant and diverse team of attorneys, computer scientists, social scientists, designers, linguists, and industry veterans to build the most intelligent, powerful, and intuitive drafting platform in the world.