1672 legal technology companies
SKUANI is a is a consultancy marketplace that allows clients to efficiently get in touch with sui...
LegalTap connects the public with access to affordable self help legal services that would otherw...
Mercatório was created in order to provide liquidity to those who hold this title and to facilita...
Vindula is a social intranet focused on improving communication between departments in companies....
TM Cloud is a robust trademark docketing and intellectual property management solution designed t...
DOCUFIEL allows you to sign documents in the cloud, using the electronic signature, e-Signature o...
Assently provides turnkey solutions for electronic signatures on your contracts and forms, on any...
Blockstone is a public policy research organization whose mission is to promote growth and innova...
LegalHero is an online platform for legal services. It serves as a procurement tool for clients a...
BeeLine Reader makes reading on-screen easier, faster, and more accessible. Our patented technolo...
Make sense of your legal bills
MaxVal develops cutting edge legaltech solutions for the IP community. MaxVal's premier product, ...