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Companies tagged with ai

Legalyze uses AI to summarize and extract key points from any legal document of any size. Upload a document and ask our AI to answer specific questions about the document, saving your staff valuable time.


Daiki is a software and machine learning company based in Austria and the USA. The Daiki SaaS platform and ML copilot enables companies to build high-quality, successful, responsible and legally compliant AI solutions.


Designed with an in-depth understanding of the specific contractual needs of legal professionals, AutoLex offers a comprehensive solution to simplify and optimize contract review. Thanks to cutting-edge generative AI technology and powerful functionalities, AutoLex enables you to: - Organize your entire legal production efficiently, - Automate contract summaries in seconds, - Analyze your documents actively to extract relevant information, - Automate regulatory compliance analysis, Whether you're a law firm, a notary or a corporate lawyer, AutoLex is committed to providing you a solution that saves you time, reduces the potential risk of human error and improves your efficiency. By identifying errors, inconsistencies or ambiguities, AutoLex reports every problem encountered and offers suggestions for improvement, which you can then accept or reject according to your needs.

Tower Software Labs

Tower is an AI assistant for in-house legal teams; Tower intakes, triages, and responds to incoming legal requests so in-house counsels can leave work at 5PM everyday. Tower also helps automate many repetitive and mundane tasks such as managing matters and documents. We are in close beta with limited seats left; please reach out to if you're an in-house counsel and are interested in partnering!