1672 legal technology companies
INTELLLEX has two main engines in helping a law firm manage its intellectual capital and knowledg...
LucanDOCS is a document management system designed for professionals like insurance agents and at...
Time tracking via voice command; integrates with a variety of third-party invoicing and billing s...
HaystackHQ is a browser-based visual analytics service for legal eDiscovery targeting regulatory ...
Sanction AI is a machine learning company that specialises in quantifying and predicting the risk...
Co-founded by John J. Nay, Oliver Goodenough, and J.B. Ruhl, PredictGov combines proprietary mach...
Functional Imperative is a boutique software development firm that works in the legal space. We ...
LawMatters is a dispute resolution platform facilitating collaboration with lawyers, resolution e...
Voltaire helps you pick winning juries. Using social & behavioral analytics we provide actionable...
VR-Mail allows you to send documents safely, securely, and best of all - with "proof of delivery....
Afriwise is the only online legal application providing access to accurate and actionable legal i...
MiAbogado facilitates the process of connecting clients and lawyers.