1683 legal technology companies
Wakili.ai is a chatbot that uses a patent pending technique, called Wakili Logic™ enabling it to ...
Tax Returns
Contract Logix is a data-driven contract lifecycle management solution that provides the ability ...
No lawyer is smarter than all lawyers
Student Connect helps evaluate and place entry-level legal talent by adopting a holistic approach...
With over 40 years of combined experience in litigation support, eDiscovery, and legal practice, ...
SKUANI is a is a consultancy marketplace that allows clients to efficiently get in touch with sui...
LegalTap connects the public with access to affordable self help legal services that would otherw...
Mercatório was created in order to provide liquidity to those who hold this title and to facilita...
Vindula is a social intranet focused on improving communication between departments in companies....
DOCUFIEL allows you to sign documents in the cloud, using the electronic signature, e-Signature o...
Assently provides turnkey solutions for electronic signatures on your contracts and forms, on any...