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Companies tagged with information technology is committed to provide high quality professional services for small businesses, start-up entrepreneurs and individuals.

Zelican Infotech Private Limited

Zelican is a practice management software that helps lawyers to manage their law practice right from client on-boarding to invoicing.

AOLaw Africa

AOLaw Africa is a center for legal design and development, a movement to make the law more accessible, more usable, and more engaging.

Surukam Analytics

Surukam helps corporate legal teams automate their workflows & the decision-making process by implementing next-gen Artificial Intelligence.


Knovos is committed to providing leading technology in eDiscovery and Information Governance & Compliance.


Lawcadia interfaces with in-house legal teams and law firms to capture data and manage external legal spend.

Just Me Technologies

At Just Me, we help companies towards GDPR compliance, while giving back control of the personal data to their real owners: the users.


Web Design And Development


SaaS Financial Advisory Platform

Legal Utopia

Sass, Mobile App, Legal Services