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Document Automation
Italianonlinecontracts was created with the aim of offering to individual users and businesses the chance of getting online the contracts they need to carry out their activity. Italianonlinecontracts is simple, fast and cheap, and it allows users to regulate their private or commercial bonds by means of clear, accurate and updated contracts. Italianonlinecontracts is supported by skilled professionals, who have a solid expertise in each of the contract types offered to users. Italianonlinecontracts allows users to choose among a wide range of contracts, compliant with applicable law rules, each one of which is customised according to the user's needs and directions and to high quality and exhaustiveness standards. Italianonlinecontracts is a brand new platform, easy to access and extremely user friendly. (german word for lawyer) was the first portal for legal advice in Europe. We list lawyers with a german desk worldwide. In addition lawyers can use our hotline packages to get leads. And we offer online legal advice through our lawyers.