Legal FlowÛªs mission is to build the most visual & easy-to-use Legal Project Management SaaS for the next generation of lawyers.
Prenuptial Agreements, Made Simple.
Contract Cloud saves businesses and individuals millions of dollars a year in regulation and litigation costs.
Amicus is a small charity that helps provide representation for those facing the death penalty in the United States. We believe the death penalty is disproportionately imposed on the most vulnerable in society, violating their right to due process and equal justice before the law. Our aims are to provide better access to justice and to raise awareness of potential abuses of defendants' rights.
We are putting our CS & JD degrees to work. The legal world won't know what hit it.
VortexLegal is the marketplace for legal services. VortexLegal started in 2010 as “MyMotionCalendar.” Our software allows buyers of legal services to access all vendors in one location, compare prices, write reviews and extract great analytics to better understand legal spend, trends, compare counsel and expert witnesses etc. We like to say we are the “Expedia for Legal Services.” One stop shop for all legal services you need and the ability to “go direct”!