1683 legal technology companies
TrademarkNow™ is a product of Onomatics Inc., a legal technology powerhouse specializing in intel...
Designing a better way for lawyers and their clients to work together
Workshare's platform empowers professionals worldwide to compare, protect, manage & share their h...
SaaS tool to automatize incorporations and post-incorporation in Delaware.
Law Explorers facilitates comprehension of the language and terminology of law.
Aleri software streamlines the process of creating cross examination questions.
We help you get a compensation of up to â¬600 for a delayed or cancelled flight
AI powered contract automation for law firms and enterprises. Enables law firms to launch easily ...
Assisting people in claiming due flight compensation from airlines. The visitors can submit their...
Mohtasib provides a technology based platform to assess the ability to file a complaint with an O...
RovBOT is a tool to help international students with their Canadian visa process.
Klarity uses Artificial Intelligence to review sales contracts under your company legal policy. K...