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Companies tagged with contract automation


LegalSifter reviews contracts in a minute or two using artificial intelligence and the advice of a client’s lawyers and leaders. Clients start by uploading draft contracts that they are negotiating, particularly those written on other party’s paper. Sifters – software trained to read text that learns over time – review the draft contract and identify important legal and business concepts that demand attention or are missing entirely. The Sifters trigger Help Text, in-context advice tailored to the client’s business and negotiation position.


Signatu is a cloud service with 3 SaaS products that are self serviced: 1. Privacy Policy Generator: signatu Policy helps you create GDPR-compliant Privacy Policies by answering a questionnaire. You can output Privacy Policies in multiple languages, create new versions, and use clauses in Consent requests. 2. Consent: signatu Consent is an inexpensive way to securely manage user consent. We make sure that all the data is available for your app when you need it. All data is stored in accordance with EU GDPR in ISO 27001 certified data centers in the EU. 3. Trackerdetect: Trackerdetect automatically maps out 3rd parties directly or indirectly running on your website. This provides a unique analysis of all your 3rd parties to keep you in control and help you comply with the GDPR.


Automation software for document intense processes in all industries and business units and across all company sizes.

Legaliboo Tech, S.L.

Online contract automation solution in Spanish. Also available as a license technology for law firms (white labeled service) in order to provide a contract automation online service for their own clients.


Precisely's AI-powered contract automation platform helps companies streamline and take control of their contracts. Automated contract creation, document automation, electronic signatures, contract approval automation, digital archiving and smart monitoring of contracts - all in one place in the cloud.


Gavel is no-code document automation software allowing you to turn template documents, forms, and document sets into intelligent workflows, saving 90% of drafting time. Set up simple automations in minutes, and shave hours off lengthy document drafting. We accommodate complex logic, calculations, and custom formatting, so your documents are generated quickly and error-free every time. Gavel was created for legal documents, but has expanded into sales, real estate, and banking to create efficiency and cost savings through collaborative workflows. Try out the future of documents at

Trakti, LTD

Trakti is a unified platform for smart, self-executing and compliant contracts running on both private and public blockchain, streamlining the contracting process of innovative companies and regulated market operators. Trakti offers all the tools needed to securely streamline the acquisition and negotiation flows, and manage all corporate contracts in a unique infrastructure. The objective of Trakti is to assist companies from the beginning right up to the signing and monitoring of the contract in a fully compliant way.


At Legaü, we enable excellent legal drafting for busy lawyers who care about delivering the best to their clients.


Afterpattern is a no-code toolkit designed specifically for lawyers and legal professionals to build a better way to practice law. Thousands of businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies use Afterpattern to create custom forms, generate documents, store and manage their data, and build legal products.

SpeedLegal, Inc.

SpeedLegal SaaS platform helps founders, angel investors and SMBs instantly understand their contracts, clarifies each clause, and verifies that each term complies with market standards.