1672 legal technology companies
Making advanced care directives effective and efficient
Clault provides Joyfully Simple File SecurityÛ through our privacy apps Cloak and Kryptos.
Case Status operates as cloud based, client management tool for the legal services industry.
Huski.ai is an advanced trademark management and brand protection platform tailored for brands an...
Virtual Law Direct is an online legal services platform for the delivery of legal services.
IIPRD is a premier Patent Support, Technology Consulting, and IP Licensing Firm
Legal Linkup is a revolutionary way to “link up” the best lawyers with the right clients.
ProJuris offers online legal software and chatbot with artificial intelligence.
XRef was created to bring the benefits of technology to the world of legal drafting and is intend...
[acquired in 2013] Kick-starter for lawyers defending massive environmental damage cases
Alba is a lawtech company that provides integrated management and legal compliance system.
CaseRails is an enterprise software startup focused on improving the legal document workflow.