1691 legal technology companies
LawGro helps law firms grow their practice. It offers a cloud & mobile based legal practice manag...
Tyche aims to build predictive analytics for legal claim outcomes based on structured, proprietar...
Tranxact manages the entire work-flow for creative professionals, providing legal resources and i...
Atrium is a tech-enabled law firm which makes legal services fast, transparent and price predicta...
Pravoved is a legal tech company that provides legal service for individuals and creates innovati...
The Innography solution was built with a singular focus answering IP questions more quickly, mo...
The service gap after a monetary judgment is entered in a court of law. Between 50 to 8o percent ...
Branding Technology is a Digital marketing business
Snapterms is a simple, fast and effective solution for terms of service, privacy policies and mor...
Legal Tech Saas
SECIB provides management software and solutions for law firms.
Practical Learning for Aspiring and Practicing Lawyers