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Companies tagged with legal tech


Esqalate is a non-profit company, dedicated to providing low-income individuals with meaningful access to legal representation.


LawMoose is a legal reference library and search engine that offers lawyers, law firms, courts, and legal community information.

Vicente Sederberg

Vicente Sederberg is a top-ranked national cannabis law firm providing legal and policy services to marijuana and hemp companies.


Huttons aims to services that provide you with the confidence you need so you can focus on enjoying life, or building your business.

Ingensity IP

Ingensity IP provides strategic intellectual property advice to life science companies in sync with their business goals and timelines.


LawHero is a web application that connects people who need legal advice, with lawyers for a virtual consultation at affordable prices.

Plougmann Vingtoft

Plougmann Vingtoft offers advice and consulting services to companies for business development within intellectual property rights (IPR).

Legal Hub

Legal Hub provides access to a wide strategic and facilitative advice, such as ethical prospecting of clients and management of suppliers.


A Legal Tech startup


Changing how law works