326 legal technology companies
ClearView Social is a social sharing platform created to help law firms.
Enkrypt changing the dynamics of how attorneys interact with their clients.
InCorp Services is a legal and staffing agency company located in Las Vegas.
A secure cloud-based legal practice management suite for attorneys & paralegals.
LegalServer is a web-based case management platform for the legal aid community.
Privacy Control Center is a userfriendly platform to manage your GDPR Compliancy
Anwalt.de is legal platform that connects individuals and companies with lawyers.
Kobi AI automates the initial consultation stage of the client-lawyer relationship.
FoxNot offers digitization of the notarial process for a real estate transaction.
Iuris NOW is a platform that offers you the best professionals in the legal sector
We are putting our CS & JD degrees to work. The legal world won't know what hit it.
Stevens & Williamson Attorneys at Law is a legal tech company located in Alpharetta.